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Digital Teaching Competence, technology, education, teacher training


Objective: Digital teaching competence is recent in scientific debates in Brazil. This theme is expanding and is related to the use of digital technologies in education, especially with remote teaching in times of the Coronavirus pandemic. Therefore, it aims to identify in the literature what are the digital skills necessary for teaching work. Methods: The theme is discussed based on international literature, with a mixed approach, that is, it has quantitative aspects that uses a method of bibliometric and qualitative analysis with content analysis. For this, 120 articles from the Web of Science, Scopus and Science Direct databases were selected, with a search carried out with the term digital teaching competence, in the English language and with a time filter from 2015 to 2020. Results: terms that are used for express the integration of digital technology with education and represent digital competence. Content analysis indicates that in the teaching profession, six categories of digital competence are identified, which involve the handling of digital tools, information and communication competencies, knowledge and skills to teach or pedagogical skills, to self-develop and to address issues socio-cultural aspects that permeate the teaching work. Conclusion: The identified categories constitute a still unexplored model of digital teaching competencies.


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Author Biography

Eloni dos Santos Perin, Universidade Federal do Paraná

Doutoranda em Gestão da Informação - UFPR (ORCID: Mestrado em Ciência, Gestão e Tecnologia da Informação - UFPR (2017). Especialização em Gestão Pública -UEPG (2014), Bacharelado em Administração Pública UEPG/UAB (2013), Especialização em Educação - Psicopedagogia IBPEX (2002) e Graduação em Licenciatura em Matemática com Habilitação em Física - UEPG (1998). Professora pertencente ao Quadro Próprio do Magistério (2003) e PDE (2013) na Secretaria de Estado da Educação do Paraná - SEED-PR. Atualmente atuando na área de Currículo e Formação de Professores no NRE- Ponta Grossa, PR. Pesquisa nas áreas de Educação, Administração Pública, Gestão da Informação, Formação de Professores e Competências Digitais.



How to Cite

Perin, E. dos S., Freitas, M. do C. D., & Coelho, T. R. (2021). DIGITAL TEACHING COMPETENCE MODEL. In SciELO Preprints.


Human Sciences
