About the Server
SciELO Preprints will progressively adopt the following editorial policy.
Version Apr 27th, 2020
SciELO Preprints Collection is an integral part of SciELO, an international cooperation program aiming at the development of open access scientific communication covering all areas of knowledge. It operates as a collection of non-peer-reviewed manuscripts within the SciELO Network of national and thematic collection of journals. As such, preprints will benefit from the same services as journal articles, including indexing and preservation. It runs over the Open Preprint Systems (OPS) software which is a free, not-for-profit online archive and distribution server preprints developed and maintained by the Public Knowledge Project (PKP).
A Preprint is a research related manuscript ready for submission to a journal but that has not been peer-reviewed. SciELO Preprints accepts manuscripts related to all scientific disciplines and subjects organized under the following grand thematic areas: Agriculture sciences; Applied social sciences; Biological sciences; Engineering; Exact and earth sciences; Health sciences; Human sciences; Linguistic, literature and arts; and, Interdisciplinary.
A manuscript may be submitted prior to, or concurrently with, submission to a journal but will not be posted if it has already been accepted for publication, published, or posted elsewhere. Authors wishing to deposit a preprint must first register on the SciELO Preprints website using their ORCID as personal identifier. When the manuscript has two or more authors, one of them must be identified as the formal submitter but all manuscript’s authors must consent to its deposition and all are equally responsible for its content. A manuscript will be automatically posted when the submitting author has at least three articles of any date or two recent articles of the last two years with active DOIs in the Crossref repository. In other cases, a basic screening will be done to identify if it is a research related manuscript. In all cases, authors are advised that they are the only responsible for the manuscript’s content and are asked to confirm that all ethical requirements are followed including the availability of documents of approval by ethics committee, obedience to institutional policies, the necessary consent of research participants. Specific screening criteria may be applied for some subject areas. SciELO Preprints might reject any manuscript for any reason. There is no peer review of manuscript posted as preprints and there is no implied endorsement or qualification of the manuscript by SciELO.
Authors are asked to submit preprints in PDF or XML Publishing Schema. Immediately after acceptance, a preprint will receive a DOI and become publicly available as open access attribution CC-BY. As such, it will be available for indexing, data mining, interoperability with any other related content and subject to comments. Once posted, preprints cannot be removed. SciELO Preprints server will remove preprints whenever a breach of ethics is detected.
Authors are strongly recommended to make available all subjacent data, codes and other materials that support the methods, results and conclusions of the manuscript.
Preprints appear in SciELO Preprints Collection in the order in which they were approved for posting. They are retrievable via the SciELO Network Search module along with the journal Collections. Revised versions of a preprint may be uploaded by the submitter author before acceptance by a journal. New versions will be linked to the previous versions.
The SciELO Preprints server has a direct interface with SciELO journals for submission of preprints as well as with any submission system running the SWORD protocol. When a SciELO journal approves a submitted preprint, the server will link the preprint to its corresponding journal URL and will also update the Crossref record with the relationship between them.