Preprint / Version 1

Science and Art as knowledges and knowledges as art and science: the nature of decolonized knowledges




Art, Science, Decoloniality


The production of knowledge became coarsened with the Science of the 16th century by abandoning knowledge that would no longer be considered knowledge like Science; science as a Modern invention. Likewise, artistic-cultural productions stiffen, because of Science: in the Renaissance the artist discredited as a scientist is treated as a connoisseur of a knowledge-body of plastic technique not of reason-Modern Science. So, more than one imagines, Science and Art have always been linked as knowledge. However, this split between knowledge/know equal Science, causing disagreements between knowledge of Science and knowledge of Art, knowledge of the Body and knowledge of Reason, causes binarisms in later cultures in the West and even on the East. Thinking from there, through decolonized thinking, I will emphasize that to dumb down Modern Science no longer needs to dumb down other knowledges, discussing, from the arts, perspectives on Science and Art as knowledges and Knowledges as art and science in the different Knowledge of Areas.


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Author Biography

Marcos Antônio Bessa-Oliveira, Mato Grosso do Sul State University

Professor at the Scenic Arts, Dance and Theater Courses (Undergraduate), in the Visual Arts Chair, and at the Professional Master's Degree Program in Education - PROFEDUC - of the State University of Mato Grosso do Sul - UEMS at the University Unit of Campo Grande - UUCG - Brazil. Post-doctorate in Language Studies-FAALC-UFMS. PhD in Visual Arts by the IA-Unicamp, Master in Language Studies and Bachelor in Visual Arts - Licenciatura - Habilitação em Artes Plásticas by the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul. He is the leader of the Research Group NAV(r)E - Núcleo de Artes Visuais em (re)Verificações Epistemológicas (certified by UEMS/CNPq - which can be accessed at: dgp.cnpq. br/dgp/espelhogrupo/1456348756496114); member of the following Research Groups: NECC - Núcleo de Estudos Culturais Comparados (UFMS/CNPq), Visual Studies Research Group (UNICAMP/CNPq) and the Research Group O PROCESSO IDENTITÁRIO DO INDÍGENA DE MATO GROSSO DO SUL: ANÁLISE DOCUMENTAL E MIDIÁTICA DA LUTA PELA PELA TERRA - UFMS. ORCID iD -



How to Cite

Bessa-Oliveira, M. A. (2023). Science and Art as knowledges and knowledges as art and science: the nature of decolonized knowledges. In SciELO Preprints.


Linguistic, literature and arts


Data statement

  • The research data is contained in the manuscript