Preprint / Version 1

Study of Health in Pomerode (SHIP-Brazil): aims, methodological issues and descriptive results




Epidemiological Methods, Data Collection, Epidemiologic studies, Cohort, Health of Ethnic Minorities



Few studies compared populations with similar genetic and culture background on different continents with standardized methods.


To describe methodological issues of the Study of Health in Pomerode - SHIP-Brazil and some characteristics of the participants of the baseline examination.

Design and Setting

Prospective, population-based cohort study of a representative sample of residents (aged 20 to 79 years) of Pomerode, Santa Catarina, Brazil.


Data for the baseline survey (from 2014 to 2018) were collected through interviews and medical examinations, including socio-demographic and lifestyle information, clinical and subclinical conditions, oral and mental health, among others. Biosamples (blood, urine, stool, and saliva) were collected and stored. Methods of data collection and quality control are described. Preliminary descriptive statistics were performed.


The response rate was 67.6% (n=2,488 individuals). The Kappa test-retest of some variables varied from 0.54 to 1.0. German culture participants are older (46.5 vs 38.7 years), self-declared white (97.3% vs 82.1%), more frequently never smokers (71.4% vs 66.9%) but had higher risk of consuming alcohol (16.9% vs 13.4%) compared to participants with non-German background. Germans were taller (169 cm vs 166 cm), had greater abdominal circumference among men (101.9 cm vs 97.3 cm). Furthermore, they reported more multimorbidity (56.7% vs 43.6%) , had more arterial hypertension (30.7% vs 18.5%), but less depression (15.4% vs 19,1%) than non-Germans.


The interaction of genetic and social/environmental issues should be examined to understand the role of risk factors on clinical conditions observed.


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Author Biographies

Ernani Tiaraju de Santa Helena, Universidade Regional de Blumenau

Graduate Programme in Collective Health

Clóvis Arlindo de Sousa, Universidade Regional de Blumenau

Graduate Programme in Collective Health

João Luiz Gurgel Calvet da Silveira, Universidade Regional de Blumenau

Graduate Programme in Collective Health

Carlos Roberto de Oliveira Nunes, Universidade Regional de Blumenau

Graduate Programme in Collective Health

Luciane Coutinho de Azevedo, Universidade Regional de Blumenau

Graduate Programme in Collective Health

Luana Gabriele Nilson, Universidade Regional de Blumenau

Graduate Programme in Collective Health

Caroline Valente, Universidade Regional de Blumenau

Graduate Programme in Collective Health

Rosana Leal do Prado, Universidade Regional de Blumenau

Graduate Programme in Collective Health

Caio Mauricio Mendes de Cordova, Universidade Regional de Blumenau

Chemistry Graduate Programme

Keila Zaniboni Siqueira Batista, Universidade Regional de Blumenau

Graduate Programme in the Teaching of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

Tatiani Karini Rensi Botelho, Universidade Regional de Blumenau

Graduate Programme in Biodiversity

Angela Duebbers Cunha, Universidade Regional de Blumenau

Department of Medicine

Siegmar Starke, Universidade Regional de Blumenau

Department of Medicine

Sergio Luiz Zimmermann, Universidade Regional de Blumenau

Department of Medicine

Nágila Raquel Teixeira Damasceno, Universidade de São Paulo

Public Health School - Department of Nutrition

Raul Dias Santos, Universidade de São Paulo

Heart Institute - Medical School

Till Ittermann, University of Greifswald

Institute for Community Medicine

Henry Völzke, University of Greifswald

Institute for Community Medicine

Marcello Ricardo Paulista Markus, University of Greifswald

Department of Internal Medicine B



How to Cite

Santa Helena, E. T. de, Sousa, C. A. de, Silveira, J. L. G. C. da, Nunes, C. R. de O., Azevedo, L. C. de, Nilson, L. G., Valente, C., Prado, R. L. do, Cordova, C. M. M. de, Batista, K. Z. S., Botelho, T. K. R., Cunha, A. D., Starke, S., Zimmermann, S. L., Damasceno, N. R. T., Santos, R. D., Ittermann, T., Völzke, H., & Markus, M. R. P. (2023). Study of Health in Pomerode (SHIP-Brazil): aims, methodological issues and descriptive results. In SciELO Preprints.


Health Sciences


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  • The research data cannot be made publicly available

    • Intelectual property