Preprint / Versão 1

Anxiety and depression symptoms in university students from public institutions of higher education in Brazil during the covid-19 pandemic: a multicenter study




Mental health, covid-19, Anxiety, Depression, Students, Multicenter study


This is a multicenter, cross-sectional study carried out with students regularly enrolled in undergraduate courses at eight Brazilian IFES. Data collection was conducted between October 2021 and February 2022 using an online self-completed questionnaire, which addressed sociodemographic and academic characteristics, lifestyle habits, and health conditions. Symptoms of anxiety and depression were assessed using the Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale-21 (DASS-21). Variables were analyzed descriptively using frequency distribution and Pearson’s chi-square test. To estimate the prevalence of symptoms of anxiety and depression, the proportion and 95% confidence interval (95%CI) were used. The level of adopted statistical significance was 5%.


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Barbosa, B. C. R., Paula, W. de, Ferreira, A. D., Freitas, E. D. de, Chagas, C. M. dos S., Oliveira, H. N. de, Ferreira, L. G., Silva, L. S. da, Vidigal, F. de C., Nobre, L. N., Machado, E. L., Cardoso, C. S., & Meireles, A. L. (2023). Anxiety and depression symptoms in university students from public institutions of higher education in Brazil during the covid-19 pandemic: a multicenter study. In SciELO Preprints.


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