Preprint / Version 1

Quality of water for human consumption in two public supply systems in the municipality of Oriximiná-PA, Brazil




Coliforms, Water treatment station, Potability, Environmental surveillance


Water is an indispensable component for life on the planet, today it is known that most of the planet earth is composed of water. However, only 3% is water with potential for human use, the rest is salt water. When it comes to the quality of water for human consumption, it must be understood that it is not limited to being sweet or salty, good water for human consumption does not pose risks to the health of those who consume it, and its basic parameters such as color, taste, turbidity, pH and microbiological are within the portability standards established by legislation. Water with characteristics outside of potability standards and distributed for human supply is a potential vehicle for disease transmission. Therefore, given the importance of water quality for human consumption, it is necessary to maintain its control and surveillance, as well as new research and studies on this subject, which can contribute to improving information, techniques, and development. general related to the topic. In this context, through water collection and laboratory analysis of basic parameters such as pH, apparent color, temperature, turbidity, chlorine, and coliforms, this study aimed to establish a diagnosis of the quality of water distributed for human consumption in two systems of distribution in the urban area of Oriximiná-Pará, taking as a criterion a system that provided previously treated water (Cosanpa) and another that did not perform any type of treatment before distribution (Residencial Tia Ana). Also, this study aimed to compare the results between the systems studied, and their variations according to the region's seasonality (rain and drought). The results obtained during the study period showed that the two points studied presented, for the most part, unsatisfactory results in terms of drinking water, such as pH, which in most samples was in a range outside the standards established by legislation both in Residential Tia Ana and at Cosanpa. Was also observed, alarming results regarding the microbiological quality of the water consumed in one of the studied points, of the total of 12 analyzed 3 samples, 11 presented positive results for bacteria of the total Coliforms group, and 3 presented positive results for Escherichia coli. Also, through laboratory and statistical analysis, this study was able to show the influence of seasonality in the region on some water quality parameters, such as pH, turbidity, and microbiology. Thus, as established by the Ministry of Health, through Ordinance No. 888 of May 4, 2021, it can be said that the population supplied by Residencial Tia Ana frequently consumes water of an inappropriate quality for human consumption. On the other hand, Cosanpa, despite carrying out some water treatment steps before distribution, is still ineffective, since many of the laboratory results of the waters from this system showed values outside of what is required by the Ministry of Health.


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How to Cite

Pinheiro, J. V., Miorando, P. S., & Lima, T. F. (2023). Quality of water for human consumption in two public supply systems in the municipality of Oriximiná-PA, Brazil. In SciELO Preprints.


Health Sciences
