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Premature mortality due to noncommunicable diseases in Brazilian capitals: redistribution of garbage causes and evolution by social deprivation strata




Noncommunicable Diseases, Mortality, Premature. Mortality Registries, Health Status Disparities, Small-Area Analysis


Objectives: To analyze premature mortality due to noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) in Brazilian capitals and the Federal District (DF) according to the redistribution of garbage causes and the temporal evolution according to social deprivation strata in the trienniums 2010 to 2012 and 2017 to 2019. Methods: Corrections were applied to the Mortality Information System (SIM) such as: proportional redistribution of ignored and blank data and garbage causes (GC). Municipal premature mortality rates from NCDs were calculated using the local empirical Bayesian estimator and standardized by age. Differences between NCD mortality rates according to the Brazilian Deprivation Index (IBP) categories and between the three-year periods were analyzed. Results: In the capitals as a whole, rates increased between 8 and 12% after the GC redistribution and the greatest increases occurred in areas of high deprivation: 11.9% and 11.4%, triennia 1 and 2. There was variability between the capitals. There was a reduction in rates in all strata of deprivation between the three-year periods, with the greatest decrease in the stratum of low deprivation (-18.2%) and the lowest in the stratum of high deprivation (-7.5%). Conclusion: The redistribution of GC represented an increase in mortality rates, being higher in the strata of greater social deprivation. As a rule, a positive gradient of mortality was observed with increasing social deprivation. The analysis of the temporal evolution showed a decrease in mortality from NCDs between the three years, especially in areas of less social deprivation.


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How to Cite

Malta, D. C., Teixeira, R. A., Cardoso, L. S. de M., Souza, J. B. de, Bernal, R. T. I., Pinheiro, P. C., Gomes, C. S., Leyland, A. H., Dundas, R., & Barreto, M. L. (2022). Premature mortality due to noncommunicable diseases in Brazilian capitals: redistribution of garbage causes and evolution by social deprivation strata. In SciELO Preprints.


Health Sciences
