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Drinking Water Quality Surveillance Information System (Sisagua): evaluation of data completeness on water supply coverage, Brazil, 2014-2020




Drinking Water, Health Information Systems, Public Health Surveillance, Environmental Health, Epidemiology, Descriptive.


Objective: to evaluate the completeness of the dataset of the Information System for the Surveillance of the Quality of Water for Human Consumption (Sisagua) regarding the information on the coverage of water supply for human consumption in Brazil. Methods: Descriptive study referring to data from 2014 to 2020. Relative frequency distribution of 35 variables were calculated. Completeness was measured as excellent (≥95%), good (90% to 94%), fair (70% to 89%), poor (50% to 69%) and very poor (≤49%). Results: In the period, there were 861,250 records of forms of supply. Sisagua, regarding the completeness of the data, obtained an excellent classification for 25 variables, good for two, bad for four and very bad for four other variables. Conclusion: The system presented in most of the variables an excellent completeness of the data. Studies of this nature contribute to the continuous improvement of Sisagua and make it possible to identify inconsistencies and weaknesses.


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How to Cite

Mata, R. N. da, Oliveira Júnior, A. de, & Ramalho, W. M. (2022). Drinking Water Quality Surveillance Information System (Sisagua): evaluation of data completeness on water supply coverage, Brazil, 2014-2020. In SciELO Preprints.


Health Sciences
