Preprint / Version 1

Perception of medical interns about the internship during the COVID-19 pandemic in Peru




Students, Medical, Pandemics, COVID-19, Internship and Residency


Objective: To describe the perception and uncertainty of medical interns (IM) about the medical internship, academic and extra-academic activities during this COVID-19 pandemic.

Methods: Observational descriptive cross-sectional study. IM from Peruvian universities was contacted through the delegates of each university. A virtual survey was applied collecting sociodemographic data, position and uncertainty due to the suspension of the internship, situations of return or not to the internship, academic and extra-academic activities during the quarantine.

Results: Data from 353 MI were analyzed, mean age of 25.2 years (standard deviation: 3.1 years), 72.8% had health insurance. 74.8% agreed with the removal of IM from their hospital based. 29.6% agreed or totally agreed with returning in case of collapse of the health system. However, 24.9% of IM would not return to their activities even with biosecurity measures and equipment. More than 90% of IM report feeling uncertainty regarding the restart date of the internship and of the National Medicine Exam (ENAM). 85.6% report using virtual media from ENAM preparation academies.

Conclusions: The intention to return to the internship of the surveyed IM increased when the security measures were assured and at the end of the mandatory social immobilization. On the other hand, there is great uncertainty about the dates of return and completion of medical internship and ENAM. Moreover, the majority of respondents invest their time in non-formal education focusing on ENAM.



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How to Cite

Albitres-Flores, L., Pisfil-Farroñay, Y. A., Guillen-Macedo, K., Niño-Garcia, R., & Alarcon-Ruiz, C. A. (2020). Perception of medical interns about the internship during the COVID-19 pandemic in Peru. In SciELO Preprints.


Health Sciences
