Preprint / Versão 1

COVID-Inconfidentes - SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence in two Brazilian urban areas during the pandemic first wave: study protocol and initial results




Coronavirus Infections, Pandemics, Health Surveys, Epidemiology, COVID-19 Serological Testing


Background: A population study is an important tool that can be used to understand the actual epidemiological scenario of the Covid-19 in different territories, identify its magnitude, understand its transmission dynamics, and its demographic, geographical, and social distribution.

Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 infection in the population of two Brazilian cities during the pandemic first wave and subsequent socioeconomic and health effects.

Materials & methods: This paper described the methodological procedures adopted and the prevalence of the SARS-CoV-2 infection in the population. A household survey was conducted between October and December 2020, in two historic cities of Brazil's mining region. Anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibody was detected using the Wondfo® rapid test. The face-to-face interview consisted of administration of a questionnaire containing registration data, sociodemographic and economic variables, living habits, general health condition, mental health, sleep habits, and eating and nutrition.

Results: We evaluated 1,762 residents, of which 764 (43.4%) were in Mariana and 998 (56.6%) in Ouro Preto. For both cities, 51.9% of the interviewees were female, with a predominance of the age range 35 to 59 years old (47.2%). The prevalence of the SARS-CoV-2 infection was 5.5% in all cities, 6.2% in Ouro Preto, and 4.7% in Mariana. The prevalence was similar between cities (P>0.05).

Conclusion: The study was effective in verifying the seroprevalence of infection by the virus and its findings will enable further analyses of the health conditions of the population related to social isolation and the risk of infection with SARS-CoV-2.


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Meireles, A. L., Lourenção, L. G., Menezes Junior, L. A. A. de, Coletro, H. N., Justiniano, I. C. S., Moura, S. S. de, Diniz, A. P., Sabião, T. da S., Rocha, A. M. S., Batista, A. P., Lage, N. N., Simões, B. dos S., Santos, C. A., Mendonça, R. de D., Andrade, A. C. de S., Barbosa, K. F., Masioli, C. Z., Carraro, J. C. C., Menezes, M. C. de, Nascimento, R. C. R. M., Roever, L., Caiaffa, W. T. ., & Machado-Coelho, G. L. L. (2021). COVID-Inconfidentes - SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence in two Brazilian urban areas during the pandemic first wave: study protocol and initial results. In SciELO Preprints.


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