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Use of technologies by nurses in the management of primary health care


  • Bruno César Gomes Fernandes UFCG
  • José Nildo de Barros Silva Júnior UFPB
  • Haline Costa dos Santos Guedes UFPB
  • Diego Bruno Gonçalves Macedo FACENE
  • Matheus Figueiredo Nogueira UFCG
  • Anne Jaquelyne Roque Barrêto UFPB



Health management, Nursing, Primary health care, Biomedical technology


Objective: To analyze the management actions of nurses in Primary Health Care services from the perspective of technologies.
Method: Descriptive-exploratory study with a quantitative approach, carried out from February to April 2019. Through the snowball technique, the sample consisted of 42 nurses from Primary Health Care, using an electronic tool for data collection. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics techniques.
Results: 54.8% of nurses use technologies through SISREG and PEC electronic systems, qualification of care related to permanent health education, online and face-to-face courses, in addition to the use of care technologies such as telehealth and telemedicine.
Conclusion: Management actions focused on technology showed timid use. Nurses need to empower themselves with these organizational devices, with a view to improving care and quality of care for the user.
Keywords: Nursing. Primary health care. Health management. Biomedical technology


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How to Cite

Fernandes, B. C. G. ., Júnior, J. N. de B. S. ., Guedes, H. C. dos S. ., Macedo, D. B. G. ., Nogueira, M. F. ., & Barrêto, A. J. R. . (2021). Use of technologies by nurses in the management of primary health care. In SciELO Preprints.


Health Sciences
