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Description of COVID-19 hospitalized health workers in the first nine weeks of the pandemic, Brazil, 2020




Health Personnel, Coronavirus Infections, Health Profile, Epidemiology Descriptive


Objective. Describing the COVID-19 hospitalization in health professionals in Brazil. Methods. Serial cases descriptive study; we included the cases with illness between February 21st and April 15th, 2020; registered in Flu Surveillance Information System (SIVEP-Gripe, in Brazilian acronym). Results. From the 184 (1.76%) cases, 110 (59.8%) were female, with a median age of 44 years (min-max: 23-85). Of the 184, 89 (48.4%) are nursing professionals and 50 (27.2%) are doctors. Still, 92 (50.0%) presented comorbidity, with heart disease predominating (n = 37; 40.2%). Of the 112 professionals with a record of evolution, 85 (75.9%) were cured and 27 (24.1%) died, 18 (66.7%) of whom were male. Conclusion. The profile descripted is similar to the population’s in age and comorbidities, but different in relation to sex. The most affected areas were nursing and medicine.


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How to Cite

Duarte, M. M. S., Haslett, M. I. C., Freitas, L. J. A. de, Gomes, N. T. N., Silva, D. C. C. da, Percio, J., Wada, M. Y., Fantinato, F. F. S. T., Almeida, W. A. F. de, Silva, D. A. da, Gava, C., França, G. V. A. de, Macário, E. M., Baêta, K. F., Malta, J. M. A. S., & Alves, A. J. S. e. (2020). Description of COVID-19 hospitalized health workers in the first nine weeks of the pandemic, Brazil, 2020. In SciELO Preprints.


Health Sciences
