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The COVID-19 Pandemic and the changes in the lifestyle of adult Brazilians: a cross-sectional study, 2020




Quarantine, Coronavirus Infections, Risk Factors, Life Style, Cross-Sectional Studies


Objective. To describe the changes in lifestyles, regarding to the consumption of tobacco and alcohol, food intake and physical activity, in the period of social restriction resulting from the pandemic of the disease by the coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19). Methods. This is a cross-sectional study conducted in Brazil with data from the virtual health survey ConVid (Behavior Survey). Changes in lifestyles were analyzed. The data were expressed in relative frequencies and a 95% confidence interval. Results. 45,161 individuals aged 18 years or more participated. During the period of social restriction, a decrease in the practice of physical activity and an increase in time in front of screens, ingestion of ultra-processed foods, the number of cigarettes smoked and the consumption of alcoholic beverages were reported. Differences were observed according to sex and age group. Conclusion. The results indicate a worsening of lifestyles and an increase in health risk behaviors.


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How to Cite

Malta, D. C., Szwarcwald, C. L., Barros, M. B. de A., Gomes, C. S., Machado, Ísis E., Júnior, P. R. B. de S., Azevedo, D. E. R. L. O., Lima, M. G., Damacena, G. N., Pina, M. de F., Freitas, M. I. de F., Werneck, A. O., Silva, D. R. P. da, Azevedo, L. O., & Gracie, R. (2020). The COVID-19 Pandemic and the changes in the lifestyle of adult Brazilians: a cross-sectional study, 2020. In SciELO Preprints.


Health Sciences
